About Me
Melbourne, Victoria
I'm a doctor who is passionate about writing quality health content.
My medical expertise as a GP gives my writing additional credibility as I draw upon over 20 years of clinical knowledge and experience. I am able to translate often complex medical language into easy-to-grasp prose for the average health consumer, without losing important facts or focus.
Whether you require health promotion, education for healthcare professionals or consumers, web content to boost your site traffic, articles or blogs, we can collaborate to help you meet your business or organisational needs.
Feel free to check out my website for more details: https://www.dralicelam.com/health-writer-service.html
Come and find me on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dralicelam/
Melbourne, Victoria
I have written patient-centred content for Bipolar Life, Hepatitis Australia and the Consumers Health Forum of Australia. I also produce accredited educational content for General Practitioners via HealthCert Education and the Australian Journal of Pharmacy. I've produced content for Bionics Institute and edited web copy for Jean Hailes for Women's Health. In addition, I am on the Editorial Committee for Hepatitis Australia.
Writer Categories:
Consumer Education. Doctor. Editor. Patient Information. Writer. Health Professional Education. Proofreading. Blogs. Website Copywriting.
Specialty Topics:
Asthma. Cardiology. Chronic Health Conditions. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). COVID-19. Dementia. Diabetes. Healthy Aging. Men's Health. Mental Health. Osteoporosis. Paediatrics. Women's Health. Evidence-based Medicine. GP Education. Medical Editing. Gastroenterology. Respiratory. Allergy. Venous Thromboembolism Prevention. Maternal & Child Health. Alzheimer's Disease. Atrial Fibrillation. Depression. Dry Eye Disease. Osteoarthritis. Overactive Bladder Syndrome. Bipolar Disorder.
Contact Details: