About Me
I am one of Australia's best known GP educators and medical writers, having worked independently in that field since 1996, soon after graduating in medicine at Melbourne Uni.
I have led dozens of medical writing projects for national health organisations. I work part-time as a GP and dedicate the other half to medical education, editing and writing. I am the senior Medical Educator with RACGP Qld, responsible for upskilling 1000+ GP Supervisors; I teach the teachers.
I currently co-edit the largest-selling medical textbook in Australia's history (Murtagh's General Practice), and am past editor and current Editorial Board member of a medical journal (DMJ).
I have been a newspaper and magazine columnist for 20 years, including various humorous columns, and have published more than 1500 articles.
I am a medical podcaster who is invited to speak at around 15 medical events each year, and am regularly interviewed on radio.
I am a life member of AMWA, having served on its committee for many years, including five as AMWA President.
MBBS (1992, Uni of Melbourne), FRACGP (1996), MPH (2010, Qld Uni)
Almost 3 decades of writing, editing, speaking, workshops, webinars, podcasts, radio, panel facilitation
Writer Categories:
Clinician. Consumer Education. Doctor. Editor. Patient Information. Public Speaker. Researcher. Writer. Health Professional Education.
Specialty Topics:
Public Health. Aboriginal Health. Evidence-based Medicine. GP Education. Humour. Medical Editing. Transparency. Population Health.
Contact Details: