AMWA sponsors local networking event in Dunedin

Late October’s “Literature and Lager” at the Captain Cook tavern in Dunedin provided an opportunity for AMWA members to network and meet other local writers.

The evening was well attended by approximately 70 people. Students, academics and family of the graduating class of nonfiction writers from the University of Otago mingled between readings.

A highlight was Emma Harcourt, perhaps our most recent AMWA member, presenting an entertaining excerpt from her work “Bloody Women and the Bears they Attract”.

The take-home message being that many people are surprisingly willing to believe that menstruation is a powerful and malevolent force. Mark Caswell introduced AMWA and fellow members Blair Hesp and Chris Booker to the crowd.

The readings were concluded by Jesse Bering reading a piece he had published in Scientific American on the possibility that animals may laugh and Lloyd Davis read a touching excerpt dedicated to local ornithologist John Darby. “

By Mark Caswell (AMWA Executive Committee Member)
Editor (Acting)
Best Practice Advocacy Centre

2025 AMWA Early Career Award - Entries Open!

This could be your year! Entries for the 2025 AMWA Early Career Award are now open. Every year we are amazed at the quality of the entries received, making judging a very difficult task. If you have previously submitted an entry but missed out on the win, we encourage you to try again as there have been many entries that have been deserving of a win!

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