AMWA 2024 Early Career Award Online Application

First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Employer or Company NameIf you are a freelancer, list your business name
Email Address
BiographyApplicants should include a short personal biography, i.e. no more than 400 words, detailing: Why they are interested in medical writing, any previous writing experience they have had, what they hope to achieve in their career as a medical writer, and what role they see medical writers as having in society.
Award SubmissionPlease upload a PDF file containing your article submission of no more than 1,000 words. Submissions should focus on a topic that is strongly related to medicine and/or health. Previously published pieces may be submitted.
Intended AudiencePlease identify who the intended audience was for the award submission piece. For example, healthcare professionals, patients or the general public.

You must agree to AMWA's Early Career Award Policy.

I have read and agree to AMWA's Early Career Award Policy

2025 AMWA Early Career Award - Entries Open!

This could be your year! Entries for the 2025 AMWA Early Career Award are now open. Every year we are amazed at the quality of the entries received, making judging a very difficult task. If you have previously submitted an entry but missed out on the win, we encourage you to try again as there have been many entries that have been deserving of a win!

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